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On March 17 2021, a protocol was ratified by Permaturk Foundation and the Municipality of Beykoz District in Istanbul. In compliance with the protocol, the construction of Turkey’s first ecological park started, which has a total area of 5.9 acres in the Beykoz Sport Forest.


The location was selected because the Beykoz District has the most green/rural area in Istanbul and building an ecological park here complies well with the primary goals of Permaturk Foundation. 


As a leading example, the Beykoz Permaculture Ecological park aims to demonstrate the positive implications of ecological revitalization, rehabilitation of degraded soils, methods of growing crops completely in fully natural ways and showcase how to reduce the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon in plants and soil.


By the end of October 2021:

  • Sample garden beds are ready to produce agro-ecological food.

  • Modification of topography and planting of trees are completed.

  • In the following months, the community garden, the activity area and the geodesic greenhouse will be complete. Also, an area with abandoned buildings next to the site will be transformed into an ecological neighborhood.

  • Farmers operating in Beykoz District will be trained as agro-ecological producers.

  • In summer 2021, Permaturk Foundation and municipal officials of Beykoz paid visits to farmers on site. Upon conducting a comprehensive survey, staff members listened to their problems and needs.

  • In the following days, Permaturk Foundation and the Municipality of Beykoz will contrive a roadmap to transform farmers into agro-ecological producers.

  • In the following months, trainings and workshops in the eco-park will be provided for farmers.

  • While popularizing agro-ecological production methods and creating opportunities for city-dwellers to access healthy food, Permaturk Foundation aims to demonstrate to producers that there are possible multiple-benefits of applying agro-ecological methods, such as creating a better income while protecting and restoring nature and soil.


Autumn 2020
As a result of the negotiations with the Beykoz Municipality, a protocol was signed with the Permatürk Foundation regarding the transformation of 24 acres in Sports Forest in Beykoz into an Ecopark.

A self-sufficient design was made in the area with the principles of Permaculture Design, where natural methods are cultivated, the surplus is dedicated, and these methods are taught in the Community Gardens.

Winter 2021

The designs of the application and detail projects and the negotiations with Beykoz Municipality continued throughout the winter. ​

After the design processes of Beykoz Ekopark's project, work began on the area.

Spring 2021

As the work continued on the area with the warming of the weather, it turned out that the land was filled with soil on the concrete floor. In order to turn the problem into a solution, changes were made on the design.

First, the vehicle roads were worked on the area, then ponds and drainage holes were created so that the trees could develop and excess water could go away.

Deep plant beds and Hügelculture mounds were created and prepared for planting for summer vegetables.

Summer 2021

Summer vegetables started to be planted while the insulation materials of the ponds were being made.​

Ekopark started to develop with the efforts of volunteers from all over Turkey. ​

Powdery Mildew Disease occurred in pumpkins in August and most of the harvest was lost.​

Seeds were taken from the first harvest left to seed.​

500 trees and saplings were planted in the ecopark.

Autumn 2021

While the plants in Beykoz Ecopark continued to grow, those ready for harvest were collected.

Pickles, which were set up with the volunteers, were distributed to everyone around.

The waterproofing of the ponds has been completed.

Walking paths were created in the pasture area designed to store carbon.

At the end of the autumn season, insemination was done in the pasture area and Hügelkultür Mounds.

Winter 2021

The designs of the Community Garden and Activity Center projects and discussions with Beykoz Municipality continued throughout the winter. 

​Winter vegetables were produced and summer vegetables were seeded in the greenhouse.

Spring 2022

The bee seeds thrown in the autumn sprouted and became a food source for the bee population in the region.

The seeds of summer vegetables were brought together with the soil.

Workshops were held on the projects we carried out on the Transformation of Organizations.

Organic waste brought by Beykoz Municipality was laid in the Community Garden area and the top soil layer was started to be formed.

Deep plant beds were supplemented with compost and vermicompost, which we converted our own organic wastes. 

Summer 2022

The seeds sown in the spring began to grow and the first harvests were left to seed.

​After mowing in pastures, an increase in mushroom population was observed. It is aimed to form a soil layer by the decay of the Üçgül and Alfalfa species that have been cut and deposited.

​With the completion of the automatic irrigation systems, the plants were watered regularly.

​Soil mixtures of deep and raised plant beds were reconstructed with vermicompost. 

​Compost piles were created from grass cut in the Kanuni Sultan Süleyman City Forest and different kinds of fertilizers in different forms in certain regions of the land.

​Winter vegetables were seeded at the end of July.

Autumn - Winter 2022

With the start of rain in pasture areas, the automatic irrigation system was turned off. Summer plants were removed.

Organic fertilizer was added to the plant beds and winter vegetable seeds were planted in some of them.

Mineral supplements lime, sulfur and compost teas were added to the soil.

Fertilizer made from cold compost was prepared. Compost was turned over at regular intervals.

Workshops and excursions were organized in the Ecopark.

Spring 2023

Mowing of pasture areas that were not mowed during the winter months was carried out.
Plant beds were cleaned and cold compost prepared during the winter was spread on the beds.
Seeds of summer vegetables were sown and seedlings were planted.

Mulch was laid between plant beds.
Vegetable seedlings were tended to.
The mandala garden was turned into a Medicinal and Aromatic Plants garden.


Summer 2023

Seedlings were provided and planted in the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Garden with the support of Beykoz Municipality and Zeytinburnu Medicinal Plants Garden. Plant information signs were prepared for the seedlings.Plants were planted around the geodesic dome.

The plant beds in the glass greenhouse section were reorganized and spaces were created in the area. Part of the glass greenhouse is organized so it can serve as an as an educational area in the near future.

Deformed plant beds were renovated with the support of Beykoz Municipality.


Autumn 2023

Summer vegetables were harvested and plants were removed.

Compost fertilizer was spread on the plant beds, and the irrigation system of the pasture areas was turned off.

Winter vegetable seedling production has started.






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